One of our website
visitors - Betsy F. - has a photo and question, perhaps someone can answer or
give insight into: "Ryther and Pringle Co. Iron Works Company. My
grandfather invented the first motorized ice cutter and they were manufactured
in this factory in Carthage Circa 1915. I have a picture of the building and was
wandering if the ruins shown in your pictures are perhaps the remnants of that
building. The ice cutter was called the Bruet-Duffer Ice Saw. Any other
information available regarding this particular subject would be very much
Jack S. says "This was the office of the Island Paper Mill. The mill was closed
when the minimum wage law came into effect. The owner said no one would tell him
how much to pay his help. The men were encouraged to find other jobs, but if
they showed up to work they drew a paycheck." and "Several years ago there
was an auction at this place, one of the items was a Duisenberg car."